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Outcomes & Research

The All Babies Initiative continually works to collect and disseminate pertinent data and research to the community. This information can be used to help aid the Wabash Valley in decreasing infant death and increase health outcomes.


It also serves as insight into various programs administered by The All Babies Initiative or one of its partners.

Baby With Shoes

Fetal Infant Mortality Review

The Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) team meets regularly to discuss why babies aren't reaching their first birthday. See their work here.

The All Babies Initiative works to support families and infants to overcome barriers to a healthy life.

P: 812.238.8171
F: 812.238.7439

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West Central Indiana Healthy Start Initiative is supported through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Grant #H49MC32727
Union Hospital's Perinatal Navigator and Home OB Programs are supported by grant funding from the Indiana Department of Health

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